Thursday, February 11, 2010

Chrome Browser pinned tab tip.

I don't know about following feature of google chrome.

If you use google chrome you might already know about how to use pinned tabs. 
Which gives extra space for other tabs. The pinned tab automatically goes to the left side on tab bar.
I use them for websites I use most. Examples are Google mail, calender, docs, facebook, twitter etc.

If you drag and drop the regular tab in between or left side of pinned tabs it automatically becomes pinned tab.
I don't know about it, found it accedentally.

-- Anil

Posted via email from amadamala's posterous

Monday, February 08, 2010

Get Latitude and Longitude values from Google Maps

Search your address in google maps. Once you found your address in maps use the following Java script to get the longitude and latitude.

You will get popup with geo-coordinates.
During day to day hobby programming stuff I used it many times.

Posted via email from amadamala's posterous